Cursed Food Memes & Products From Deranged Minds

It seems like a couple of years ago, all of our friends were baking beautiful loaves of artisan bread and sharing their creations on Instagram. There was also that banana bread phase, the Beef Wellington phase (Thanks, New York Times). I don’t bake, but I posted my fair share of foodstagrams during the pandemic. But after a while, I kind of lost interest in sharing. I even lost interest in cooking. Being forced to cook all my own meals for a few years kind of took some of the joy from the process. I used to plan elaborate meals every week, and now I just buy one rotisserie chicken and make it last through the workweek, after which I treat myself at a restaurant for a single dinner. It’s a simple life, arguably dull. But at least I’m focusing on something other than the form of the calories entering my weary body. The waning food obsession has allowed me to take pleasure in things I would normally find offensive or revolting. And that includes food memes. There are so many memes dedicated to the things we eat, and so many of them are cursed. Pictures of beans in places they shouldn’t abound.  People create packaging for heinous products that shouldn’t exist. These things would have boiled my blood at some point, but now I feel nothing but mild disgust when I see a mockup of an ice cream bar filled with ham. Maybe you’ll have a different experience.


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