‘Dating in this generation is a nightmare’: Player gets dragged for proposing ‘exclusive friends with benefits’ relationship

One day, sometime in a hopeful distant future, people will stop posting about the miserable love-related trenches in which they find themselves. Today is not that day, as we are presented with yet another example of why it’s hard to blame many of those who forgo romantic relationships altogether. Without further ado, I humbly present a classic example of a f***boy in the wild.

A longsuffering situationship haver recently took to Twitter to share a text exchange she had with a man in 2022. In it, he proposes that they become «exclusive fwb» because «i’m just not really at a point where i can go full on with something serious». 

Both practical people and romantics took offense to this confusing suggestion, not least because it seemed like the man in question wanted a girlfriend without the label or the effort. If you’re going to have commitment issues, you should upfront about it.

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