Entertaining Thread Explores History’s Strangest & Funniest Names

We’re nearing the end of 2021, and over the years we’ve seen our fair share of weird and wholly misguided baby names. Remember all the little girls at the playground named Khaleesi? We’re betting on some motherly regret where their names are concerned. X Æ A-Xii may have dethroned Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin’s Apple as the weirdest named celebrity progeny, but parents opting for quirky and unique monikers has almost always been a thing. Twitter user @deleteevelyn really hammered this fact into our brains this past week with a delightfully entertaining (and educational) thread.

Evelyn’s inspiration (Preserved Fish the third, thank you very much!) may our top choice in the wacky category, her friends and followers were more than happy to chip in with their own strangely-named submissions, from Denmark’s «Ole Worm» to «Reasonable Blackman,» whose name is definitely the most complimentary of the bunch. You know, excluding Potoooooooo, a thoroughbred racehorse who died in 1800. Though the unique names may boast very different vibes, they all have one thing in common: they make even some of our most-hated names seem normal.

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