‘Fake week of work’: The best relatable work memes this week (December 27, 2023)

Silly little office job workers, rejoice! At last, we’re at that part of the year where time doesn’t seem real and as a result, neither do all those stupid things like ‘spreadsheets’, ‘targets’, and ‘deadlines’. You might still have to work, but at least you can do it on a belly full of leftovers and in the knowledge that 99% of people are just going to want to circle back in 2024

That isn’t to say you can just kick back and do what you want. You’ve still got to keep up the appearance of being busy, which is sometimes easier said than done. Depending on your work situation, you might trick people by staring intently at a screen of work memes for a few minutes. The joy of this lost, lazy time has to be clawed back by any means necessary, and at least you can claim that you’re doing something work-related.

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