Fresh and Funny Quips From the Best of Twitter (May 25, 2023)

While I’m more clever in person than I may seem here, there are certain things I struggle with. It’s hard for me to finish writing that I’ve started for myself. Long-form, I mean. I’m scared to commit to endings. That said, I also happen to struggle with really short form as well, namely tweets. As hard as I’ve tried to go viral for a funny observation about life or a silly anecdote, they kind of fall flat. Perhaps it’s due to the high levels of self-deprecation. We may never know. 

Fortunately there are enough entertaining people on Twitter that I’m able to enjoy their funny and interesting content without feeling completely terrible about myself. Every day I immerse myself in devastatingly relatable sentiments and astute and sometimes absurd witticisms from comedians. Hell, sometimes I even learn something from Twitter accounts such as @depthsofwiki. In this collection of relatively fresh tweets, you’ll find all of the above. May the tweets serve you well. 

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