Funniest Kanye West Memes Because the Ye Is Back and He’s Bringing Us Yeezus Level Chaos

The day Kanye West left Instagram, fans were heartbroken. How were they going to be able to follow their favorite artist? How were they going to get updates from their lord and savior? However, real fans knew—he’d be back, he always comes back. And now, the messiah has returned! He’s back on IG, mostly just to call out his ex-Wife Kim Kardashian and anyone else (ahem *Adidas & the GAP*) who is messing with his business, brands, or children. His chaotic evil energy is back for all of the internet to witness as well! Do you know what that means? Memes, baby! We can never get enough Ye memes. I’m pretty sure Kayne West himself absolutely despises memes about himself, but us here at Memebase find being meme-ified an honor. So if you’re a Yeezus fan or just a fan of memes or both—baby, carry on, because this post is for you.

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