Funniest Therapy Memes for People Who Like to Talk About Their Problems but Aren’t Interested in Actually Working On Them

It’s pretty amazing how many strides the public has made in normalizing mental health struggles. In our experience, people definitely did not mention that they were going to therapy even as recent as 15 years ago. It was embarrassing and uncomfortable. Nowadays people mention it so casually that it’s more likely you’ll get judged if you don’t attend than if you do. People almost look at you with a judgmental look, as if they’re saying, «What? You think you’re perfectly sane? Pfft.»

Those kinds of people are obviously living in a little bubble though, considering therapy is not so easily accessible to everyone. But we digress. Today we are here to laugh at how therapy can sometimes just feel like a gossip session, and we don’t always feel like putting in the actual work to fix our problems. If you’ve ever been to therapy, we’re sure you can relate on some level. Anyway, let’s get into these memes.

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