Godmother criticizes mother for naming her daughter Ghiuliyette: ‘Why ruin such a beautiful name by including letters that don’t belong there?’

My sister has an unusual spelling of her name. Well, it might’ve been considered unusual 20 years ago, but with the recent increase in parents naming their kids all sorts of absurd things, it’s pretty conventional. She spells her name with a ‘C’ instead of a ‘K’ for one of those conventionally K names…Kaitlyn, Katherine, take your pick! If she was a Gen Alpha baby with Gen Z or young millennial parents, she might’ve been named Cetherin or Ceightlinn. It’s a scary world out there for the modern baby. 

I don’t understand why parents need to give their children absurdly unique names. A baby named «Paul» is just as likely to grow into an interesting person as a baby named «Cliveson.» Paul might be more unique because he has to find an identity outside of his name. The best friend of a new mother recently tried to talk some sense into her best friend after she said she named her babe Ghiuliyette, but she just wouldn’t listen. 

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