Highly Evolved Exhibit of 35 Museum Memes for Natural History Nerds

It’s cold and rainy outside (maybe even snowing for some of y’all), which means we no longer can do the outdoorsy things we always love. How is a nature lover supposed to get their fix of nature puns, rock jokes, and flora n’ fauna? Well, the local Natural History Museum of course! 

Museum lovers are basically the same breed of human as those of us who love to watch nature documentaries. You get to look at weird taxidermied animals and exotic pressed flowers, while enjoying the temperature controlled environments of the inside world. And when the weather is foul and we need a little breather from our own apartment, perhaps it’s time to wander the meteor-struck halls of the museum nearby like all the senior citizens and elementary school groups. 

Scroll onward to enjoy an entire museum of quirky, natural cleverness that’ll make you want to read every placard in the gallery. 

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