‘I accidentally named my son Bill Clinton’: Parents Reveal Why They Regret the Names They Gave Their Kids

Naming kids is actually a huge responsibility when you really think to about it. Sure, it’s just a name, it’s not going to affect their personality, temperament, or health. But it does affect them in other ways for sure. You can do your best to think of a name that ‘suits’ them but if you go for a firey and outrageous name and then your kid ends up being quite shy and introverted, that’s okay. It may just be a little ironic inside joke that your family and close friends can relate over. But that’s truly not a worst-case scenario when it comes to naming your kids. People can definitely do a lot worse.


I guess you could think of naming kids as a decision similar to getting a tattoo. Sure, you may really be into your favorite band right now, but are you sure you want all your kids named after their top charting singles? Let’s think about it for a second.


On TikTok a woman asked fellow parents to share the things they almost named their kids, and these answers are truly interesting.

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