‘I’d hate to see what goes on at Bass Amateur Shops’: Alabama man skinny dips in Bass Pro Shops fish tank, becomes first viral celebrity of 2024

Bass Pro Shops is a meme that will never die. So long as meme makers still have a place in their hearts for ironic fishing memes and the Memphis Bass Pro Pyramid stays in good repair, we’re golden. 

Nonetheless, it always helps when somebody is dedicated enough to the cause that they directly contribute to complicating its lore. Such was the case when a man in Leeds, Alabama decided to live out an unwritten Dril tweet. First purposefully crashing his car into a pole in the parking lot, he then stripped naked and swam around in his local store’s fish tank.

Viral news purveyors had a field day over the weekend after this individual was arrested for his daring display, which ended as he hurled himself out of the forbidden swimming pool. It wasn’t long before Twitter was reacting to the footage captured by baffled shoppers, and to nobody’s surprise, they were ready with the jokes. While he might have committed a few crimes in the process, kudos to this dude for bringing us the first viral public freakout of 2024.

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