‘Imagine cups being your personality’: Customers sell out Stanley Cups in 4 minutes, sparking debate about water bottle consumerism

There have been a lot of water bottle trends over the past 20 years. From Kleen Kanteens to the ones with a spray feature attached that nobody seems to remember but me (does anyone remember those from the early 2010s) to hydro flasks, every couple of years, the tides seem to turn, and a new water bottle supreme emerges. Right now, we are living staunchly in the age of the Stanley Cups (no relation to the hockey championship trophy). This is an absolute mammoth of a water bottle. It’s one step behind just carrying an empty milk jug full of water around with you, high school football player style. 

Recently, a video of a ravenous group of Target shoppers fighting to buy some Valentine’s Day Stanley Cups went viral, making people who had no idea about this trend even aware of it. It’s truly a testament to the state of water bottle consumerism in the 21st century. 

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