Insecure Man Stays at Home to Do Chores For Wife, Gets Annoyed at Being Called a House Husband

Housework is one of those things that can make or break a marriage. While there are criticisms to be made about having one breadwinner and one person focused on the domestics, it can make the division of labor a lot easier. Usually, we expect a woman in a straight partnership to stay at home, but that doesn’t have to be the case. An increasing number of men are undertaking that role as well. 

One of these is a particularly petty Redditor, who was chastised recently after complaining about his wife spelling out their living arrangements to family and friends. His partner has a job with long hours that pays the bills, and he has does all the duties of keeping house.

Because of this, his wife has begun to refer to him as a «house husband». After he packed up doing chores in protest of this label, he took to r/AmITheAsshole to ask if he was in the wrong. It’s fair to say he might not have received the answer he wanted to. 

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