‘It doesn’t seem too bad’: Concerned Man Claims Co-Worker Has a Drinking Problem, Starts Debate About Alcohol Consumption

No matter how much many of us enjoy an alcoholic beverage or several, the facts on the world’s most commonly used recreational drug cannot be ignored. It is infamous for creating some awkward situations and at its worst, completely ruining lives.

However, there can be some stark personal and cultural differences when it comes to what people consider to be too much alcohol. One person’s moderate drinking habit is another’s reason for a full intervention.

This has recently been demonstrated in a controversial tweet, where a man claimed his coworker had «casually admitted» to him that she was an alcoholic. Going on to explain that this woman drank «almost a whole wine bottle» several times a week, it made him ponder «what it is about me that compels people to reveal some of the darkest elements of their lives». 

While some were in agreement with his horror, others struggled to see what the big issue was. It’s hard to tell whether this is more or less annoying than the arguments about different countries and food


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