‘It’s turned into a no-win situation’: Recruiter Gets Slammed for Complaining About Applicant Rejecting an Extra Surprise Interview

Job hunting is one of the most thankless and humiliating tasks that many of us will ever have to go through. The process of growing a personality shiny and corporate enough that we will receive the privilege of getting paid is painful. 

Considering how incompetent some employees are, the whole process doesn’t even work that well half of the time. Interviewers aren’t always the best placed for their jobs, either, as has been underlined by a recent tweet from a recruiter complaining about a job applicant flaking on them. The reason they had done this was because they had been asked to attend a further interview after being told that they were already done.

Needless to say, Twitter users were not impressed with this lax approach to the jobseeker’s time and attention. We all know that finding work can be stressful enough without those who have power over it changing up the rules.

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