Lots of Random Memes That Have Nowhere Better to Be

Can you imagine going back in time and showing a dank meme to a prehistoric man? What would he think? How would he feel? Would he shrug his shoulders and keep tending to his fire or pelts or whatever cavemen did back then, or would the humor encoded in the meme transcend deep time? Maybe cave paintings were just prehistoric memes. Maybe the walls inside the Cave of Maltravieso in Cáceres, Spain functioned as a stone age version of 4chan and the red hand stencil paintings were just a bunch of cavemen trolling each other. Maybe the Magura Cave paintings of Bulgaria were like relatable memes about not getting enough sleep or being terminally single. I guess we’ll never know, because we can’t jump into a time machine and ask early humans how they feel about memes. But I’m willing to bet that humor is a better communicator than language in a lot of ways. Anyway, here’s some memes for all the modern day cave people out there. 

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