Memes For a Good ‘Hallows Morning’

Happy Halloween, everybody! It might be Tuesday, but that doesn’t mean that I’m not celebrating the heck out of the greatest holiday of them all. Well, I am eventually, but first, I have to go to work. Having Halloween during the week is always kind of a bummer, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make the workday fun! You can bring a big bag of Child’s Play to the office! You could wear a ghostface mask into the office and show your coworkers what a funny guy you are! Or, you can sit around anxiously, waiting for the day to be over, and periodically go to the bathroom and scroll through memes on your phone. Your boss might not like it, but that’s the only way to spend Halloween at work, in my opinion. If you’re counting down the hours until actual hallows eve, I hope you use these memes to pass the time. 

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