Memes For Good Fortune

I hope you’re having a good day. If you’re reading this, I am speaking into existence the idea that your day will not only be good but that it will get better and better with each passing hour. I am not a witch, magician, or wizard, but I do have the power to speak things into the world and, consequently, watch it happen in real life. 

During college, my #1 fear was that I wouldn’t get a job after I graduated. I was an English major, so some people around me were not too optimistic about my future career prospects. In response, I not only did as much work outside of the classroom as humanly possible but openly hoped and begged the universe to give me a post-grad job. What do you know, I was the first one of my roommates to get an offer mere weeks after graduation. If I can do that for myself, these memes can give you a wonderful day. 

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