Memes to Comfort the Fed Up and Exhausted

Life is so much worse when you’re tired. You can’t think straight, everything seems greyer and more depressing, and no amount of caffeine will shift that thunderously bad mood (but if you’re especially unlucky, it will add some anxiety into the mix). So many of the problems we face can be fixed — or at least avoided — by having a nice long sleep. Unfortunately, things like work, insomnia, or just plain old stress can get in the way of this on a regular basis, and there isn’t much we can do about it except grimace through it. That being said, we can try and use some small things to lighten the load. One of these tactics comes in the form of memes. They may not help you get to sleep, but at least they will help you forget what you’re missing out on from all that precious REM. Sweet memes, everybody.

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