‘My dad told me to put ‘freeloader»: Parents and family members reveal funny responses they have filled out on forms for kids

One of the many things that nobody warns you about when you become a parent is the sheer amount of admin it involves. When you bring a whole new person into the world, various institutions feel like they need to know all about it — and that doesn’t stop after birth, either.

Whether at the doctor’s office or in school, many moms and dads find themselves checking boxes and filling out answer sections on behalf of their kids time and time again. If it gets boring when you’re doing it for yourself, it can’t be that much more fun having to do it for another person. 

This is probably why some form fillers like to get a little goofy with it, as revealed in the comment section of a TikTok. In the video, a receptionist expressed amusement at new parents who state their child’s occupation as ‘baby’. This led to numerous different people sharing their own offbeat answers to similar questions. Surprisingly, many didn’t seem to raise any eyebrows. 

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