‘New rule, never trust how you feel about your life past 9PM’: 20+ invaluable pieces of wisdom according to the internet

I am absolutely terrible at taking other people’s advice, but I like to think I’m mature enough to realize that this isn’t always a good thing. We all have a lot to learn from the minds of others, but it heavily depends on how it’s packaged. Sometimes, part of the reason that we can be resistant to a few wise words is simply because they don’t engage us how they should. They can come off as smug instead of informative. It can help to keep things short and sweet, like a pithy quote, or even some kind of meme. 

For all they can be questionable at times, sometimes strangers on the internet can be surprisingly perceptive on this topic. This is the takeaway from a recent Twitter thread in which users dispensed their favorite pearls of life-improving knowledge. If only implementing them all could be as easy as reading them. 

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