Nick Lutsko’s Video for ‘Spirit Halloween Planet’ is a Hilariously Chaotic Nightmare

Nick Lutsko has a way with words. And that way with words translates to some seriously clever songs and videos. The songwriter (a former Super Deluxe contributor who worked with Vic Berger) has been uploading poppy and comedic orchestral masterpieces to Twitter and YouTube for over a year. This one is a departure from the rest. While it is the third installment of his ‘Spirit Halloween‘ saga, the song is the first to be given a polished – and fully chaotic – professional treatment.

The video, directed by animator Brielle Garcia, is a raucous post-apocalyptic adventure and Lutsko amazes with his campy, super-charged performance. We’re definitely left wanting more – and in a conversation with Vulture, the entertainer leaves that possibility slightly open. 

«I have so many other things coming up — I have some television projects that I’m working on right now — so this might be a good place to put a pin in the Songs on the Computer saga, but I truly don’t know what will happen next.»

Fortunately for those of you who are new to his work, Lutsko has all of his ‘Songs on the Computer’ videos uploaded to YouTube – and I think they’re much funnier (and sweatier) than all of Bo Burnham’s Inside. Enjoy them, and enjoy the spirit of Halloween flowing through your body. ‘Tis the season.

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