Nightmare production of Shrek the Musical horrifies ticket holders: ‘Shrek had hair’

Production design is so important to the theatrical experience. You can have the best singers, actors, and dancers in the biz, but if you put them in a goofy costume, the whole thing is going to feel goofy. Costumers, makeup artists, and set designers have some of the most crucial jobs in the biz. They’re often overlooked, but when they go wrong, things get weird. 

Theater tickets can be so expensive these days that you want bang for your buck. You certainly don’t want a bootleg, Willy Wonka experience-esque night out. But that’s exactly what happened to some innocent theatergoers who thought they were signing up for a fun rendition of a beloved musical, but who actually got a middle school-level production. Actually, that’s disrespectful to middle schoolers. This was worse. Be glad you didn’t pay the price of admission, and be extra glad that you get to see it in all of its hilarity below. 

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