To put it politely, the French are very particular about their food. Gastronomy has been their bag ever since Escoffier. They’re fiercely proud of having a boulangerie on every street corner, and they’ve invented more cheeses than it’s even possible to imagine. France is a country insistent that it lives to eat.
However, not everybody has the same reverence for French cuisine that they do — including the good old land of the free. As the birthplace of main character syndrome, it’s no surprise that many Americans believe in the inherent superiority of their national dishes.
Usually, U.S. citizens reserve their eating-related online squabbles for their friends in the UK. Let’s be honest, though, the whole world outside of the British Isles loves to trash talk beans on toast. It’s an easy mark.
As a result, it’s almost refreshing to watch Yank Twitter turn their gaze to a Western European country with more of a culinary pedigree. After one man expressed disbelief that some Americans thought their food was better than France, a heated argument began.
It’s fair to say that Francophones were humbled greatly in this discussion. While I’m inclined to see the good points in both kinds of cuisine, it can’t be denied that French ingredients are probably better quality.