Parent of the Year Censors Bruce Lee’s Nipples to Appease School’s Dumb Dress Code

It always brings a smile to my face and a warmth in my heart when a parent stands up for their kid rather than taking the side of an unreasonable school administrator. I wasn’t a troublemaker in elementary school, but I wasn’t exactly…normal either. Luckily, I had pretty accepting parents. Whenever my mom got a phone call from a teacher complaining that I was pretending to be a dinosaur again, my mom responded the same way every time. «Good,» she’d say, «kids are supposed to be kids.» 

One redditor recently shared a story about the time their son went to school wearing a Bruce Lee t-shirt and got sent home because the actor’s bare chest was too indecent an image for the eyes of the innocent. Instead of reprimanding their son or prohibiting him from wearing the shirt, OP went into full malicious compliance-mode and censored Bruce Lee’s scandalous nips so that their son could keep wearing the shirt. Now that’s how you do parenting right.

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