People Discuss Jobs They Wouldn’t Do For $150K a Month

«Selling out» is a far less cogent cultural concept than it was during the 20th century. At least, that’s how it seems to someone who only knows about the discourse of the 20th century through films and TV. The 90s were stock full of movie characters who did not want to sell out their values to make a quick buck. But that was the 90s, and since the recession, nobody really talks about selling out as much. We all have to do what we can to survive, and if that means working for a company that’s a bit unethical, that’s what we’re going to do. 

For the right price, even the most principled people would sell out. Redditors were recently asked to name the jobs they would refuse to do for $150K monthly. Unsurprisingly, there are very few jobs people would not do for that much dough, but the ones they did name aren’t all too surprising. 

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