Programming Memes for Coding Geeks (October 29, 2023)

Even the most experienced of coders has to appreciate that computing is a kind of magical invention. String some commands together in your programming language of choice, and bam, you’ve got a fully usable application that could do all manner of wonderful things. 

At least, that’s how it would work in an ideal world. Instead, many programmers spend their days trying to avoid banging their head against their keyboard in frustration for one reason of another. It might make good money as a job and give a real sense of personal satisfaction when it goes right, but that’s only a tiny piece of the puzzle.

It can be difficult to keep up motivation when this is the case, but thankfully we’ve got memes to help with a case of low morale. Their amusing depictions of relatable struggles can make it all seem temporarily OK (or at least offer a break from the code). 



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