Programming Memes For Python And Java Fiends

Having a knack for computers is one of the most valuable skills someone can possess. Many people want to be programmers, but only a tiny elite group can actually pull it off successfully. A lot of wannabees think that since they changed their Tumblr theme with HTML in 2012 they can do this extremely difficult job. Coding takes hundreds of hours of your life but when a project is finally complete, it’s the greatest feeling in the world. 

Programmers and coders are also well known for being able to meme. Who could forget that meme of people responding «learn to code» whenever a writer or creative talked about experiencing financial difficulty. It begs the question, was that meme actually popular among coders? Because if you think about it, why would you want more people to join your already competitive field? It also presumes that learning to code is an easy way to make a quick buck, which all coders know is simply untrue. Although that coding meme has some confusing origins, there are numerous memes that encapsulate the experience of being a programmer perfectly. 

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