Public Transit Memes for Car Haters and Train Enjoyers

I’ve lived in big cities for my whole life, so growing up, public transit was my form of freedom. Even without a car, I was still able to freewheel around the town, seeing sights and taking names, all with the help of the subway and bus system. Some of my fondest memories include looking out the window of an elevated train, melodramatic music flowing through my ears, and gazing out at the city below. I still get verklempt whenever I’m on a train going over the Williamsburg Bridge and I get to look out over the city skyline. It feels humbling and communal, silently sharing the view with my fellow passengers. 

There are plenty of transit lovers like me on the internet, and folks working hard to make the world a more pedestrian-friendly place. Of course, that comes with a good measure of car hate, which can be a lot of fun as well. I’ve rounded up some of their hottest takes in meme form. 

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