Random Memes to Help Us Over the Weekly Hump

If you’ve spent any time on Reddit in recent years, you’re likely familiar with the inside joke: «It is Wednesday, my dudes.» The meme originated in the r/me_irl subreddit and is centered around celebrating the often-overlooked mid-week day. Despite the supposed festivity, many of us view Wednesday as a mere marker of the workweek’s halfway point. This is especially true if, like us at Memebase, you’re a 9-5 office worker.

 Celebrating «hump day» may seem counterproductive since it reinforces the very system that causes us to dread Wednesdays. After all, if we had a four-day workweek, we wouldn’t need a midweek celebration. But, let’s be honest; we humans always seem to find something to complain about. Instead of dwelling on life’s negatives, why not take a break and enjoy some humor in the form of memes?

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