Relatively Recent Tweets From the Oversharers of Twitter

Happy Monday. Every week we lament the arrival of the ever-reliable harbinger of groans and grumbles. We all know how painfully predictable they can be, as if time itself conspires to make the start of the week as agonizing as possible. But fear not, weary soul, for in this unending cycle of workweek misery, we have a few tricks up our sleeves to make it all a little more bearable. Mostly, it’s Twitter. We can never stop scrolling through the constant stream of thoughts from public figures and total strangers. And while we’re not always happy with their dispatches, we can always count on a few gems to keep us going.

Thanks to those gems, we’re able to bring you our latest batch of laughter-inducing tweets, carefully curated and primed to uplift your spirits. Laughter (or at the very least, amusement) is a weapon that can turn even the most dreaded Monday into something tolerable. So let’s start tolerating. 

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