Rise And Shine With Fresh Animal Memes (July 2, 2023)

Good morning, friends! Wakey wakey, rise and shine. The birds are shining, the cats are screaming for food, the dogs need to pee like- five minutes ago. Just because it’s Sunday doesn’t mean that we get to laze around all day. Kidding! That’s exactly what Sunday means. We can do whatever fun things we want on this day – that’s why we call it Funday. And sometimes, the most fun thing that we want to do on Sunday morning, of course, is laugh at a brand new collection of animal memes!

We start every single Sunday in the same way – in the best way – with some animal meme shenanigans. Nothing makes us smile quite like that particular brand of internet humor, and we know that you guys love it just as much as we do. So, enjoy it, friends, and have a fantastic rest of the weekend!

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