‘Sat at my desk waiting until 2PM to have lunch’: The best relatable work memes this week (April 22, 2024)

Is there any day of the week that is crueler than Monday? Sure, the Sunday scaries may threaten the five days of work to come and Wednesday might be the big ol’ hump right in the middle of it, but Monday presents the base of the mountain that we have to climb yet again. 9 to 5ers of the world, we’re back at work today and there’s nothing we can do about it. 

It’s a sorry state of affairs for every employee who isn’t in complete bootlicker mode, but at least we have some methods of moderating the pain. Work memes are one of the most humorous of these, and they have the added bonus of having a built-in complaint system, too. HR can’t give us too much of a hard time if we say it’s just a joke, or so we would like to think until we get proved wrong.

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