Smart Person Memes For The Intelligentsia

Many people see memes as a low art form. Arranging images and words together humorously is not perceived as a particularly academic endeavor. However, just because something is perceived as low-brow does not mean it’s not for intelligent people like yourself! When I was in college, so many of my professors studied so-called «low arts» like comic books, superhero movies, and even memes! Are these things easy for rubes to consume? Of course! But are they also valid pieces of media that are worth consuming, critiquing, and critically thinking about? You bet your button they are!

If you read the title and decided to click on these memes, you’re probably smarter than the average bear. Once you scroll through these hilarious and intelligent memes, you’ll know once and for all if you’re actually smart. IQ tests be damned, your understanding of these memes is the only definitive test of intelligence you can count on. 

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