The Best Dungeons & Dragons Memes of the Week (December 1, 2023)

Saddle up to the tavern, druids, it’s that time of the week. We’ve got a fresh crop of Dungeons & Dragons memes for everyone from the casual weekend warrior to the world-building hobbyists and forever DMs. DnD is a vibrant community, online and off. After all, the game is community-centric. You get together with your best mates, sit around a table, maybe you have some snacks, and you spend a couple of hours creating fantasies together. It’s a great way to connect with your inner child and the perfect activity for group bonding. Thank goodness it’s socially acceptable (in most circles) to play pretend as grown-ups. 

Everyone needs a little escape from their usual personalities every now and then, and not just on Halloween. Pretending you’re someone else is exhilarating. Especially if that someone else happens to have other-worldly powers. So gather up your dice and get rolling. We’ve got a great campaign of memes ahead. 

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