The Best Dungeons & Dragons Memes of the Week (July 21, 2023)

Did you hear about the rogue who tried to pickpocket the Dungeon Master during a Dungeons & Dragons campaign? Well, let’s just say the DM rolled a natural 20 on their perception check and caught the sneaky player red-handed. But instead of punishing the rogue, the DM decided to have a little fun with them. They let the rogue roll for pickpocketing one last time, and the rogue rolled a nat 1! The DM grinned and said, «Congratulations! You managed to pickpocket yourself! You reach into your own pocket and find a note that says, ‘Nice try, but you’ll have to be more sneaky than that! Love, the DM.'» From then on, the rogue thought twice before attempting any shenanigans in the game. After the pickpocketing fiasco, the rogue couldn’t live it down, and the rest of the party couldn’t stop teasing them. They earned a new nickname: «Fumble Fingers.» The name spread like wildfire through the taverns and inns, and soon enough, even other adventurers in far-off lands knew about the infamous «Fumble Fingers» and their botched pickpocket attempt. Let that be a lesson to all you D&D troublemakers out there—never mess with the DM. 

If you’re not already aware, there are plenty of lessons to be learned from funny Dungeons & Dragons memes, and it just so happens that we’ve got a fresh batch for ya right ahead. Scroll along, gamers.

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