The Best Dungeons & Dragons Memes of the Week (July 7, 2023)

Need a character idea for your next Dungeons & Dragons campaign? Zephyrwick is a wizard whose mind is as chaotic as his spellcasting. Imagine a brilliant magician, but with the attention span of a squirrel with ADHD. Zephyrwick constantly finds himself in hilarious situations due to his forgetfulness and absent-minded nature. For starters, Zephyrwick’s spell book is an absolute disaster. Pages are missing, spells are scribbled illegibly, and important notes are jumbled up with doodles of fantastical creatures. He might confidently cast fireball only to accidentally cast feather fall, resulting in a bewildered enemy gently floating down the hill instead of being engulfed in flames. Zephyrwick’s penchant for losing focus extends beyond his spells. He often forgets where he left his magical items, causing him to rummage frantically through his bag during critical moments. Imagine him pulling out a handful of loose gold coins instead of a healing potion while his party looks on in both exasperation and amusement. 

If you’re trying to come up with a character who can turn even the most serious situations into a comedic spectacle, Zephyrwick the Neurodivergent Wizard is your man. Now keep scrolling for the best Dungeons & Dragons memes of the week. 

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