The Best Parenting Tweets of the Week (April 6, 2023)

Is it just me, or are people who are obsessed with being «pet parents» annoying? Don’t get me wrong, I respect pet owners who love their animals like they’re family and spend a great deal of time taking care of them. However, when you act like having a dog is even in the same stratosphere as having a kid, that’s when I start to question that label. Raising an animal is comparatively simple. You have to feed them, take them to the doctor, bathe them, get them exercise, and pay attention to them. Luckily for dog moms, they don’t have to sit at the kitchen table with their crying dogs because they can’t figure out their math homework. Dog moms don’t have to pay for their golden retrievers to go to college. Dog dads don’t need to coach their pug’s little league team. Parenting kids is eons more difficult than parenting animals, and I think parents who have both kids and pets would agree. 

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