The Best Relatable Work Memes This Week (June 27, 2022)

The kinds of days we have at work can vary wildly, even if we do a job that is pretty monotonous. Sometimes, we have the day from hell, the kind that will go down in memory as the time you could have walked straight out the door and right into the nearest deep body of water. Most often, it’s business as usual, going through the same old routines in slightly different ways. Very occasionally, it might even provide us with some darn good times, although that’s usually more down to the people we work with than the institution itself. 

Seeing as we spend so much time there, it’s inevitable that the workplace creates a lot of memories for the average worker. Whether these are mostly good or bad is the luck of the draw. Either way, it can’t stop the average employee from enjoying this list of relatable work memes. We’re all in this together.


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