The Best Tweets of the Week (February 2, 2022)

Did you know that every second about 6,000 tweets are sent into the virtual expanse of the internet? Neither did we, we googled it for this article. Anyway. That’s a crap ton of tweets. Wonder how many of them are deleted due to instant regret or Twitter typos. Given the inane number of tweets going out, it’s interesting to think of how rare it is that a person composes an absolute gem that’s worthy of virality. Despite the fact that we do see some dumb stuff go viral (here’s an example), there are tweets that get the love they deserve. We’re here to share the week’s best Twitter tidbits. Some are clever. Some speak the truth. And some are just super relatable. They all have one thing in common: they’re better than anything I could ever come up with. 

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