The Cringiest Food Posts We Saw On Our Feeds This Week (April 18, 2023)

It’s true that everyone needs to eat to survive. But, as many have noted before us, there are people who eat to live, and then there are the people who live to eat. People like me. In recent years it seems as though a third kind of person has popped up: someone who eats – or cooks – to watch the world burn. 

You see, these sorts of people are the ones making cringey food, well, a thing. Before the age of TikTok or Reddit, crimes against food were largely private. Now they’re everywhere, being manufactured by wannabe influencers and successful influencers alike. Like, why do we need to make rainbow versions of foods like pizza or bagels? Do we really need to gussy up water with juices and syrups to stay hydrated? And for the love of God, why would anyone make chocolate chip cookies with spam? We’ve got a lot of questions about the state of food on social media, but sadly, our only guess is that the human race seems to be pretty damn hopeless. But at least we have plenty of fresh and frustrating food content to roll our eyes at before we’re Darwined into something better.

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