The Cringiest Parenting Posts of the Week (July 3, 2023)

Breastfeeding is one of the biggest hot-button issues on the parenting side of Facebook. So many crunchy parents are obsessed with it one way or another, but most of the time, it’s mothers who breastfeed their children the longest who have the hottest take on this feeding practice. I understand that breastfeeding can be an emotional and fulfilling way that a mom can connect with her baby, especially since the baby can’t speak yet. However, I reserve my right to think it’s weird to breastfeed a kid that has teeth and can literally talk. If and when I have kids, that kid is getting fed by a spoon the second it is safe for me to do so. I do not need a toddler walking around society begging to be breastfed in front of strangers and God. If you’ve ever encountered weird breastfeeding purists on mommy Facebook groups, then these cringey parenting posts might resound with you. 

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