The Cringiest Parenting Texts of the Week (December 5, 2023)

Kids can be a real handful, especially when they become teenagers. I wish that we all came out of the womb as master communicators, able to empathetically talk through things with our parents and reach productive conclusions. Too bad, that couldn’t be further from the case. Teens are basically brand new to this world, and they can struggle with opening up to their parents for fear that they’ll get in trouble or be painfully misunderstood. A lot of communication happens in slamming doors, briskly answering questions, or yelling back when they’re getting yelled at. Suffice it to say, this stage of life might not be fun for the parent, but it’s even more unfun for the person going through puberty. 

Unfortunately, not everybody is able to grow up past their passive-aggressive teenage communication style. Some people hold onto it until they become parents themselves, leading their teens to be the mature ones in their conversations. These cringe parenting texts include conversations like that and so much more. 

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