The Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (July 27, 2023)

Parents love to document every milestone their kid reaches. A child’s first steps, first word, and first day of school are all recorded carefully by their mom and dad so they can relive that memory for years to come. However, the most memorable moments of a kid’s life usually happen when the cameras aren’t around. When I was a kid, I wore my parents down so much one night by asking them endless questions about the biology of conjoined twins. Obviously, they didn’t have extensive knowledge of that topic, and the conversation somehow turned into the s*x talk. There might not be a scrapbook or Facebook post to commemorate that milestone, but it’s forever etched into our family’s minds. 

The things kids say are often much more compelling than the milestones they hit. Who cares if a baby can’t walk yet if they can babble like nobody’s business? Kids say the darndest things, and that’s why it’s fun to peruse parenting tweets to see what the children of the world are talking about. 

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