‘The Gen Z labor force is a new breed’: Millennial managers freak out after Gen Z employee refuses to attend an 8 AM meeting outside of work hours

I still remember ten short years ago when baby boomers were calling millennials the most entitled generation in history. The divas born from 1980-1995 were constantly accused of not being hardworking and expecting everything to be handed to them. In my time in the workforce, I’ve found that this stereotype is 100% not accurate. During a summer internship, I had a millennial boss who worked from sun up to sundown and begged me not to work outside the scheduled 10-6 working hours so I wouldn’t end up like her one day. Millennials are no strangers to the grindset. 

In the year 2024, there’s a new young adult generation to scapegoat. Gen Zers are the new object of contempt not only for baby boomers and Gen Xers but also for the once-maligned millennials. Two millennial podcasters recently went viral for freaking out at the prospect of a Gen Z employee not working early because they had a workout class, and it’s inspiring some mixed feedback. 

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