The Generational Meme Redux Of My Parents In Their 30s

In case the internet’s long term anti-boomer crusade hasn’t made it clear enough, younger generations haven’t had it so great for a while. Between rising living costs, stagnant wages and a society hellbent on making things harder for the little guy, it can be easy to look at coming of age a few decades earlier with rose-tinted glasses.

This is an attitude that has been expressed repeatedly in memes, most notably last year when the ‘My Parents At Age 29’ format humorously compared the life paths of millennials and their parents by transplanting them into a Wojak comic. In fact, it was so popular that it has recently experienced a remix in the form of the ‘My Parents In Their 30s’ meme.

While the two reflect on similar themes, there are some key changes. Where the older meme focused more on the varying maturity levels between generations, the revamp underlines the large material differences. This time around, ‘My Parents In My 30s’ is there to remind you that no, you are not getting on the property ladder any time soon. The original setup may not be that believable (how many people have parents that own a second home?), but the anxiety behind it still stands. Nothing says relatability like going into debt with your grocery shop.

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