The Most Cringeworthy Dating App Encounters This Week (May 31, 2023)

Some studies suggest that only 12% of US adults find long term relationships on dating apps. That doesn’t seem to add up with the amount of people who use them that claim they’re looking for something serious. Either a lot of singletons have something wrong with them, these apps are designed to keep us using them (unlike some taglines like to suggest), or both.

For all that those who date feel like they have to use Tinder if they want to get anywhere, a lot of the dating app experience seems to involve going in circles. There is only so much ghosting and horrifying profiles that an individual can be exposed to before they decide that they would rather take their chances offline. 

Audacity plays a big part in online dating, to the point where the craziness is unavoidable if you play the field for long enough. Just have the good sense to block and move on if you encounter anything similar to what lies below.

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