The Most Entertaining Takes From TikTok This Week (June 13, 2023)

There are a few things that have changed the landscape of the internet as we know it, in recent years. Artificial intelligence is of course the newest and shiniest of these, and many tech companies hope that virtual reality is going to pick up, too. 

On the level of new social media, however, all we can do is point to TikTok. Love it or hate it, the short form video app is going to be one of the main things we remember with regards to Gen Z and the early 2020s. It’s so popular that it is nearly inescapable on the internet these days. 

This also means that there are plenty of opportunities for it to bring us its user’s unique brand of humor, as well as their many unhinged points of view. TikTokers are a special brand of the overly online, and many of the examples in this list prove that. 

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