The Most Entertaining Takes From TikTok This Week (June 6, 2023)

Somewhere between the advent of forum culture and the popularity explosion of Facebook, people realized that giving us all a platform with which to share all of our thoughts to the world was not always a good thing. However, it wasn’t until TikTok came along that this attitude really started to pick up steam. 

Perhaps it’s because the former kings of the internet, elder millennials, feel snubbed by Gen Z’s platform of choice. Maybe it’s just because we’ve seen enough of people making fools out of themselves on social media that the craziness of the clock app just gets tiring. Still, even the TikTok naysayers have to admit that the wild antics their enemy inspires can be more than a little entertaining. 

While it’s true we have enough distractions these days without adding to the list, these TikTok screenshots are the ideal way to microdose the addictiveness of being on the platform (and to allow you to continue to boast about never downloading it). 

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