Tolkien Tuesday: The Best Lord of the Rings Memes This Week (June 14, 2022)

Greetings, fans of all things Tolkien. But especially fans of The Lord of the Rings. It’s that time again: Tuesday. Which means we’re putting out our favorite LOTR memes to grace our eyes over the past week. Some of them come from Facebook, where thousands of people get together to share incredibly stupid memes using imagery from the movies. Some of the memes come from Reddit, where it’s a constant struggle to avoid reposted shitposts from years ago. 

We’re not going to pretend they’re the best memes in the world. No, sir. Instead, we lean into the fact that Lord of the Rings memes, however prolific, tend to be some of the dumbest out there. Very little intellect, and maybe less knowledge of Middle Earth, is required to enjoy these particular specimens. All you really need to enjoy them is an appreciation for incredibly stupid humor. And, y’know, the movies. So without further ado, and further expenditure of brain cells, sit back, relax and enjoy the memes.

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